Remote Communities
Remote Communities Remote communities are very vulnerable to oil spills. By the time help finally arrives, vast areas have been
Remote Communities Remote communities are very vulnerable to oil spills. By the time help finally arrives, vast areas have been
Ports And Marinas Ports and marinas can finally have the means to block spills from spreading immediately when they start,
SENSITIVE AREAS Recreational beaches, scenic shorelines and coral reefs must have HARBO’s immediate response kits close by. If a spill
FISH FARMS and Aquaculture If an oil spill is drifting in the direction of a fish farm, they need an
PIPELINES AND OIL TERMINALS These are especially vulnerable areas. When an oil spill is immediately blocked from spreading, the devastating
LAKES AND INLAND WATERWAYS Since HARBO systems are ultra-compact, they can be installed everywhere: near river banks, on small boats,
Coastal Infrastructure Facilities Power plants, nuclear reactors and desalination plants, for example, cannot afford to have oil penetrate their extremely
Oil Rigs The risks on oil rigs are of dramatic proportions. Waiting for teams to arrive from afar is a
Ships and Tankers The only solution for fighting offshore oil spills and avoiding large-scale financial damage is the installation of
Coast guard and navy In many countries, the coast guard is responsible for orchestrating oil spill response operations, from preparedness